The Global Survey of Public Servants (GSPS) is an initiative to generate survey data from public servants in government institutions around the world. The aim of the initiative is to increase the volume, quality and coherence of survey data on public administration over time.
The GSPS is the product of a Consortium of researchers and practitioners from Stanford University, University College London, the University of Nottingham, and the World Bank Bureaucracy Lab. Together, we have conducted surveys with more than 200,000 public servants in 35 countries. We have formed the Consortium to pool our expertise and encourage researchers and practitioners from across the world to collaborate on an improved understanding of public service through survey data. Through better evidence, we hope for better management of the public service.
The members of the GSPS Consortium include
- Christian Schuster, University College London
- Daniel Rogger, Development Impact Evaluation Research Group of the World Bank
- Dinsha Mistree, Stanford University
- Frank Fukuyama, Stanford University
- Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, University of Nottingham
- Katherine Bersch, Davidson College
- Kerenssa Kay, Bureaucracy Lab of the World Bank
- Kim Sass Mikkelsen, Roskilde School of Governance
- Zahid Hasnain, Governance Global Practice of the World Bank