ReSPA Workshop on Merit Recruitment and Performance Appraisal in the Western Balkans

From 15 – 18 November 2021, the ReSPA Working Group on Human Resources Management and Development in the Public Sector in the Western Balkans met in Tirana for a Workshop on Merit Recruitment and Performance Appraisal. It was the first in-person Workshop since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020! 

The Workshop focused on the application of self-assessment frameworks for human resources management. For merit recruitment, self-assessments were conducted for the first time in 2020. In the autumn of 2021, the Working Group Members – representatives of Western Balkan countries from Civil Service Agencies and Ministries of Public Administration – together with regional experts and myself as the lead expert of the project updated the self-assessments. The Workshop provided a forum for presentation, discussion and lesson-drawing across the region. 

The updated self-assessments will be published by a ReSPA Report in 2022.